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Seven Stars Pub Walk

From car park exit, turn right and head
along lane for 100 yards. Bear left on to
track at footpath sign to E. Knighton.
100 yards on, bear left, pass through
white gate and cross rail line with care.

Pass through white gate, walk down to
road, turn right and follow for 100 yards.
Continue ahead on path with security
fence to left and rail lne to right. 580
yards on, pass subway to right and
continue ahead on wide grass track
gently uphill.

After 630 yards, track bears left over
disused rail line and then right. Walk for
50 yards and pass through metal gate
alongside cattle grid. Continue ahead
for 130 yards and path bends to left.

40 yards on, bear left past marker post
to right. Follow heathland path past
conifers to right for 200 yards then bear
right on to sandy path. 60 yards ahead,
turn left and head gently uphill on sand
& gravel track.

Follow for 150 yards then bear right on
to track (see assist A). Follow for 60
yards, cross straight over road and
continue on grass track uphill through
gorse and bracken.

80 yards on, track bends to left. Follow
downhill (with glorious views) for 60
yards then continue ahead steadily
downhill on track past gully. 110 yards
ahead, gradient eases. Stay on track
gently downhill keeping Whitcombe Hill
to right for 400 yards.

Bear right at 1 o’clock ignoring wide
track ahead (see assist B). Follow track
for 180 yards (may be soft underfoot)
pass to left of scenic pond then bear
left at 10.30 on to poorly defined path
through heather (see assist C).

After 60 yards, path heads steadily uphill
for 50 yards. Continue ahead with hill to
right for 250 yards (some sections may
be soft underfoot) then bear right at
fork (see assist D).

Follow path gently uphill through
heather for 370 yards (may be soft
underfoot in places). Take care as path
passes through a few gorse bushes then
walk ahead 40 yards down to the road.

Turn left and follow grass verge for 170
yards, cross road then bear to right of
cattle grid and wood gates. Follow path
ahead keeping fence immediately to
left for 100 yards.

With fence and railway ahead, bear
right and follow track with rail line to left
for 300 yards. Continue ahead at 1
o’clock on to grass track passing
conifers to right for 60 yards.

With marker post ahead, turn left and
follow path/ track with rail line to left for
800 yards. Turn left and walk through
subway under railway.

Continue ahead on track (may be soft
underfoot) for 125 yards up to lane. Turn
right and follow lane (using verges
where possible) for 950 yards and you
arrive back at the Seven Stars for some
well deserved hospitality.