Play Area 04
Play Area 03

Children's Play Area with Bouncy Castle

Play Area 02
Children's Play Area

An exciting new bouncy castle has been installed onto the Children’s Play Area at the Seven Stars


Puzzle Book 2

Puzzle Book 2

Download Puzzle Book 2

Download Puzzle Book 2

Click to Download
Puzzle & Colouring
Book 2

Puzzle Book 3

Puzzle Book 3

Download Puzzle Book 3

Download Puzzle Book 3

Click to Download
Puzzle Book 3

Puzzle Book 4

Puzzle Book 4

Download Puzzle Book 4

Download Puzzle Book 4

Click To Download
Puzzle Book 4

Puzzle book 1 is available in hard copy format from The Seven Stars Pub.

There are also several picture pages to colour in.  They feature lots of scenes from The Seven Stars pub, Children's Play Area and Beer Garden.  Can you spot where they are?

Here are some more puzzle books to download, print out and bring with you on your next visit.  Even the grown-ups may want to have a go 🙂


Download Kids 'Pets' Colouring Book Here
Download Kids 'Cats' Colouring Book Here
Download Kids 'Buildings' Colouring Book Here
Download 'Adult Colouring Book' Here
Download 'Various Tasks' Book Here
Download 'Underwater' Colouring Book Here